

A self-study journey of alignment and empowerment for empathic, introverted and highly sensitive women who are ready to let go of exhaustion, overwhelm, people-pleasing, and perfectionism and finally create lives in which they can truly thrive.

£222 for lifetime access (other payment options available)

Our sense of your own power, resourcefulness and vitality comes from our relationship with ourselves.

So many women are stuck in a cycle of feeling under-resourced.  So many of us are over-worked, under-rested, and burnt out.  We may be juggling work, caring responsibilities, trying to hold it together in every area of our lives and wondering why none of it is bringing us the fulfilment we hoped it might.

When we don't feel like we have enough energy, everything suffers.  We get stuck in a self-pertetuating cycle of never having enough energy to make the changes we know we need to make in our lives.  We succumb to perfectionism and people-pleasing in an attempt to feel safe because nothing drains our energy quite like criticism or confrontation.  We withdraw in our relationships because we do not know how to set energetic boundaries and get overwhelmed by other people's emotions.  We disconnect from our own truths and desires for our lives.

But there is another way.

If we consciously attend to our energy then we do not need to spend our lives being buffeted by it.  We can gain control over the energy that we allow into ourselves and which flows from us back out into the world.

I can't fix the social pressures that result in so many women struggling to prioritise their own vitality.  And I can't fix the socio-economic structures that make it so difficult for all of us to prioritise joy when we are so busy just trying to survive.  But I can support you to stop feeling like there is something wrong with you for not being able to thrive under these conditions.  And I can support you to learn how to distinguish between the helpful and unhelpful voices in your head so that you can see the truth of your life more clearly.  It is possible for you to learn to take care of yourself even under less-than-perfect conditions.  It will require bravery and radical honesty, but it is possible.

Are you up for the adventure of finding out how?

Doors to Wellspring are now open!

If you want to join us, sign up before doors close again on 3rd December 2023.

Wellspring is available for a sliding scale fee

You can choose which amount feels most comfortable to you, no questions asked.

One off payment of £111
One off payment of £222
One off payment of £333
3 monthly payments of £37
6 monthly payments of £37
9 monthly payments of £37


In honour of my 40th birthday this winter, I am currently offering a 40% discount on each of these payment options.  Simply add the coupon code BIRTHDAY when you check out in order to claim the discount.  I have never previously offered this much of a discount on Wellspring and cannot imagine that I will ever do so again!

Who is this Community for?

The Wellspring community is for people who identify as having a feminine core to their energy and who are also:

  • Sensitive and empathic.
  • Frequently exhausted or overwhelmed.
  • Purpose-led and on a soul journey.
  • Wanting to connect more deeply to their inner wisdom.
  • Ready to spend more of their life in their zone of genius, rather than having to pretend to be someone they're not.
  • Feeling like their friends and family don't really understand their struggles.
  • Ready to stop allowing their power and energy to be leached away.
  • Feeling a call to ditch all of the 'shoulds' so that they can build a life that truly brings them happiness.

What you will gain from joining Wellspring

  • More energy and ease as you move through the world.
  • Energetic boundaries so that you can finally have meaningful relationships without feeling tired all the time.
  • A deeper knowledge of who you are and the value you innately bring to the world.
  • A shift away from listening to the voice of your inner critic so you can finally embody the knowledge of your true worth.
  • Reconnecting to nature and your own cyclical rhythms.
  • Embodying the truth that your power comes from within you.
  • A community to support and inspire you.
  • Access to more happiness and joy on the journey.
  • Ability to connect more deeply to your soul's power and purpose in the world.

What's included in this experience?

  • Modules covering all aspects of the energetic shifts you need to make to finally achieve energetic health and wellbeing. These modules are organised according to weekly themes that we repeat each 'seasonal cycle' or 'round.'
  • A private community (hosted through Kajabi) where you can ask any questions about the resources and/or share what is going on in your own life so you can receive personalised support.

Why are there so many different prices?

I know that this can seem a little confusing initially. But this is my attempt to make Wellspring as financially accessible as possible.  As someone who has herself experienced significant financial hardship, I know that the same £ amount can feel like a very different investment depending on your financial situation.

Wellspring costs £222. I feel this is already very good value for money given how much content it includes and that you also get lifetime access to community support for this price.

However, if £222 does not feel accessible to you, then you are also welcome to buy it for the discounted price of £111 for instead.  This will get you exactly the same level of support from me as if you purchased at the full price.

But if everyone choose to pay the discounted price, then it will be difficult for me to carry on running Wellspring as it simply won't generate enough income to pay my bills at that price.  So if you are in a place that feels financially comfortable, then I invite you to consider whether you might be willing to purchase Wellspring for £333.  If you do this, you will in effect be sponsoring someone who cannot afford to pay the full price.

Each of these sliding scale options also comes with a monthly payment plan in order to make them as accessible as possible.  Instead of £111, you can choose to make three monthly payments of £37 if you prefer.  Instead of £222, you can choose to make six monthly payments of £37.  And instead of £333 you can choose to make nine monthly payments of £37.

If the discounted price is what is feeling accessible to you, then I will not ask you to justify this choice in any way.  I trust you to make the decision that is right for you.  And I trust the generosity of my community.

Time left to join Wellspring!









Wellspring is available for a sliding scale fee

You can choose which amount feels most comfortable to you, no questions asked.

One off payment of £111
One off payment of £222
One off payment of £333
3 monthly payments of £37
6 monthly payments of £37
9 monthly payments of £37


In honour of my 40th birthday this winter, I am currently offering a 40% discount on each of these payment options.  Simply add the coupon code BIRTHDAY when you check out in order to claim the discount.  I have never previously offered this much of a discount on Wellspring and cannot imagine that I will ever do so again!


Wisdom is inherently cyclical, we spiral through our learning and encounter it ever more deeply with each cycle.  And that is exactly the structure that I have built into this community.

Each seasonal cycle lasts for three months and covers the following topics:

  • Grounding and embodiment - how can we access the wisdom of our bodies.
  • Clearing energy - what do we wish to release from our lives and what practices support us in this letting go.
  • Cultivating energy - how can we increase the amount of energy that we are willing to allow to flow through us.
  • Containing energy - how can we learn to consciously control and protect ourselves from unwanted energy.
  • Feminine and masculine energies and archetypes - putting language to the different types of energies that flow through us.
  • Vision and values - what do we truly want from our lives and why is this important to us.
  • Cyclical living - aligning ourselves to the rhythms of the natural world.
  • Emotional energy - exploring the impact of emotions on our energy.
  • Mental energy - how our thoughts about ourselves and the world we live in impact our energy.
  • Repressed energy - where does our energy get sapped by the things we repress.
  • Environmental energy -  how our environments affect our energy both positively and negatively and what changes do we need to make.
  • Relational energy - all aspects of what it takes to create healthy relationships as sensitive, empathic, introverted women.

The cycle then draws to a close with a fallow week.  Then we begin again with another seasonal round that starts with 'Grounding and embodiment.'

Each weekly theme deliberately includes more information than can be absorbed in any one week.  You can choose what you want your journey to look like by focussing on the exercises that call to you each week.  But this is a journey that is designed to take several turns of the season to complete.  You will gain more from the experience of choosing one or two exercises to explore deeply than you will from trying to read all of the content in one go.

It will probably take at least a year, maybe as many as two, for you to feel like you have gained all the benefit that can be gained by journeying ever deeper through the weekly themes.

Purchasing access to Wellspring gives you access to all of the content and the community for as long as it continues to be hosted on my website.  I anticipate that this will be many years.  You can therefore continue to access these resources and remain a part of the community for as long as feels right to you.  

A personal message from Alice Southern

Hi there!  If we haven't met before, my name is Alice (obviously!) and I am a life coach for introverts and quiet souls with big dreams. 

I currently live in Cardiff (that’s in Wales, in the UK – if you don’t know) with my wife, our four-year old son, and our baby daughter (and we have a cat, a dog, and two gerbils too too!).

I am a highly sensitive introvert (INFJ, in case you’re wondering), and although I am now able to live a life in which I can make best use of the gifts that come from my personality type, that definitely hasn’t always been the case.

My decision to create this community was several years in the making.  I have previously offered coaching and other resources for introverts on several different linked topics such as finding ways to harness our natural strengths, being more fully and authentically ourselves, and overcoming unconscious blocks to success and happiness.

The impetus for creating this particular community came from a vision I received of a natural well in a forest.  I was told that this well was the source of creative life energy and that my task was to find that source within myself and then guide other people to also find it within themselves.

This vision motivated me to bring together everything I have learned over the last few years about energy management and empowerment and bring it together to create a community that I am truly excited about.

Energy mastery really is the fundamental aspect of creating lives in which we can thrive.  And I know first-hand just how quickly life can become miserable when our energy management goes awry.

I experienced career-related burn-out in 2015 which then triggered a severe relapse of the ME/CFS that had plagued me in my teenage years.  And every aspect of the life that I have created now, has been built on the foundation of learning what I need to do to manage my own energy as a sensitive, introverted, empathic woman living in a world that often feels very noisy and demanding.

I have spent much of my life feeling overwhelmed by the demands of modern life.  I know what it is to live with the frustation of not being able to see where my gifts and talents could possibly fit into the options that are available to me.  And over the last few years, I have been on an empowering but often terrifying journey of building up my own energetic capacity so that I feel less overwhelmed and more capable of creating options that are truly right for me.

Creating this community feels like an ambitious way of bringing together everything that I have learned and still want to learn.  If you are a quiet, empathic woman who is ready to reclaim her power and let go of overwhelm, people-pleasing and perfectionism so that you can finally create a life in which you can truly thrive - this this is the community that you have been looking for and I would be delighted if you joined us! 

Frequently Asked Questions about Wellspring

If you have a question about Wellspring that isn't on this list, then please do not hesitate to contact me on [email protected]

Time left until doors close to Wellspring!









Wellspring is available for a sliding scale fee

You can choose which amount feels most comfortable to you, no questions asked.

One off payment of £111
One off payment of £222
One off payment of £333
3 monthly payments of £37
6 monthly payments of £37
9 monthly payments of £37


In honour of my 40th birthday this winter, I am currently offering a 40% discount on each of these payment options.  Simply add the coupon code BIRTHDAY when you check out in order to claim the discount.  I have never previously offered this much of a discount on Wellspring and cannot imagine that I will ever do so again!


None of what we will be exploring is an easy fix. This is a journey that will require bravery and discipline from you. I will be presenting strategies and ideas that have worked for me and my clients. However, your results may vary and your choices are your responsibility. Your results will be dependent on the level of self-awareness, vulnerability, and courage that you bring to this experience.