Alice's blog

Exploring all aspects of creating a life you love as a sensitive introvert.  Everything from how to decide what you want to do with your life to how to manage your emotions and mindset on the journey.

What is an empowered introvert? Jan 23, 2021

Given that I’ve been talking a lot recently about the bravery it takes to become an empowered introvert, I thought it would also be good to spend some time exploring what it actually means to be one.

The Cambridge dictionary defines empowerment as: “the process of gaining freedom...

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Overcoming fear of failure Oct 23, 2018

The emotion of ‘fear of failure’ is probably one that is experienced by all people at least sometimes.  But if we want to create lives in which we can truly thrive, then one of the most important skills we can learn is how to not let that fear prevent us from moving forward.


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3 tips for when life gets in the way of your big dreams Jul 10, 2017

I’ve been struggling for the last few days…

After a few weeks in which I’d been feeling pretty good and had been fairly busy, I suddenly and unexpectedly crashed.  Thankfully, I’m not completely bedbound but I have had to slow down considerably.

As always when this...

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