Alice's blog

Exploring all aspects of creating a life you love as a sensitive introvert.  Everything from how to decide what you want to do with your life to how to manage your emotions and mindset on the journey.

What is an empowered introvert? Jan 23, 2021

Given that I’ve been talking a lot recently about the bravery it takes to become an empowered introvert, I thought it would also be good to spend some time exploring what it actually means to be one.

The Cambridge dictionary defines empowerment as: “the process of gaining freedom...

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We all procrastinate sometimes Nov 16, 2017

Are there things that you know you should be doing, but aren’t?

(And if there aren’t, are you sure you’re even human!?)

Most of us have a list of things that we know we really should do, but that we haven’t got around to yet.

But did you know that there is almost always...

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3 tips for introverts who are struggling with motivation Aug 21, 2017

I believe it is part of the human condition to have motivation that ebbs and flows.  Some days we can take on the world, other days it’s all we can do to get dressed and pretend to be a functioning adult.  The ratio of those days may be different for different people, but we all...

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