Alice's blog

Exploring all aspects of creating a life you love as a sensitive introvert.  Everything from how to decide what you want to do with your life to how to manage your emotions and mindset on the journey.

What is an empowered introvert? Jan 23, 2021

Given that I’ve been talking a lot recently about the bravery it takes to become an empowered introvert, I thought it would also be good to spend some time exploring what it actually means to be one.

The Cambridge dictionary defines empowerment as: “the process of gaining freedom...

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Five secrets to help you worry less about other peopleā€™s opinions Oct 10, 2018

I have watched far too many people try to fit themselves into a life that makes them miserable simply because they are too worried about other people’s opinions.

We spend so much of our lives in the futile attempt to control other people’s opinions of us.  Ask yourself honestly,...

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