Alice's blog

Exploring all aspects of creating a life you love as a sensitive introvert.  Everything from how to decide what you want to do with your life to how to manage your emotions and mindset on the journey.

What is an empowered introvert? Jan 23, 2021

Given that I’ve been talking a lot recently about the bravery it takes to become an empowered introvert, I thought it would also be good to spend some time exploring what it actually means to be one.

The Cambridge dictionary defines empowerment as: “the process of gaining freedom...

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Am I an introvert? Nov 07, 2018

Despite the stereotypes, being an introvert isn’t all about how quiet or shy you are.  There’s actually a lot more to it!  And while some people are like me and never have any doubts about our introversion, for other people it can be harder to identify where they fall...

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Even introverts can get too much alone time Aug 16, 2018

In general, I am a definite advocate for introverts’ need for alone time.  I believe that getting enough alone time is an essential aspect of creating a life in which you can thrive as a sensitive introvert. I therefore dedicate a fair amount of energy to using The Introvert Library as...

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Is it possible to change personality type? Mar 14, 2018

Do you ever wish that you were a different MBTI personality type? Perhaps, for example, you find yourself thinking that life would be easier if you were an extrovert. If so, then this blog post is for you!

When I tell people that I use the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator as part of my work, I often...

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Are you ready to understand yourself and others better? Feb 26, 2018

I’ve been getting quite a few requests recently to provide some more resources on explaining the Myers-Briggs system of personality typing.  One of the reasons I’ve hesitated to do this is because Personality Hacker, the company who I trained with, already have some...

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Are introverts more likely to develop Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? Oct 25, 2017

Since becoming a life coach and more publicly telling my story about my Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (also known as M.E. or a vast variety of other terms depending on where you live!), I have received several messages from fellow introverts who want to tell me their story of how...

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Tips for explaining introversion to your family Oct 04, 2017

An introvert is someone who re-energises by spending time alone.  Therefore, alone time is a fundamental and non-negotiable need for all introverts.  And nowhere can this non-negotiable need become more fraught with difficulties than in our own families.

The families we grew up in...

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3 tips for introverts who are struggling with motivation Aug 21, 2017

I believe it is part of the human condition to have motivation that ebbs and flows.  Some days we can take on the world, other days it’s all we can do to get dressed and pretend to be a functioning adult.  The ratio of those days may be different for different people, but we all...

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What is introversion? Aug 07, 2017

I am introvert.  Almost all of my clients are introverts.  As you’re here reading this, the chances are that you too are probably an introvert.  The purpose of my business is to empower introverts to create lives they love and which allow them to thrive.

So I just wanted to...

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