Alice's blog

Exploring all aspects of creating a life you love as a sensitive introvert.  Everything from how to decide what you want to do with your life to how to manage your emotions and mindset on the journey.

Your emotions are the key that can unlock greater productivity Nov 06, 2017

There’s a lot of talk about the importance of managing your time effectively so that you can be as productive as possible, but did you know that time management is actually mostly about energy management?

If this concept is new to you, think about it and ask yourself ‘does my time...

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Are introverts more likely to develop Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? Oct 25, 2017

Since becoming a life coach and more publicly telling my story about my Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (also known as M.E. or a vast variety of other terms depending on where you live!), I have received several messages from fellow introverts who want to tell me their story of how...

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The surprising link between exhaustion and depression Jun 26, 2017

It was early in November 2015 when I first realised that this weird collection of symptoms that I had been experiencing was in fact a relapse of M.E.  I was completely exhausted, and yet I had been awake almost all of the night before because my body had been aching so severely that I was...

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